100 Years
100 Stories

A reflection of Bharat’s spirit to provide the very best that are in no way inferior to imported tiles and would last as long as the building (if not longer!), the testimonial booklet is a collection of stories and experiences from customers and contractors that provide an insight into the company’s values, culture and impact. Bharat is publicly appreciated, as can be seen from a report dating back to 1930, from St. Andrew’s church which mentions, “I have much pleasure in stating that the Bharat tiles in our New Model School Building, contrary to rumours that they deteriorate with age, wear and tear, are improvising in lustre and gaze”; Another report from East India Cotton Exchange, dated 1932, states that “Bharat Tiles Co. tiles laid in the Cotton Exchange, as long as 1925, has worn exceptionally well and have entirely satisfied what was claimed for them by the manufactures.” The booklet is peppered with terms, price lists and explanations that one needs to know before ordering Bharat tiles. The testimonial booklet provides an understanding of the company’s salesmanship, struggle and success and how it evolved over time.
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